Bangladeshi East End Brick & Mortar

Bangladeshi East End Brick & Mortar

The founding Bangladeshis have been in the borough of Tower Hamlets from the late 19th century, over 150 years minimum, from the days of the lascars and The East India Company. Like all new communities setting up, it takes a while to settle in and foundations become a necessity to build. The forefathers, the early sailors who were the pioneers of the early twentieth century such as Sowab Ali Munshi, Nowab Ali and Ayub Ali Master and many others insured that the foundation stones be laid. Since then, from the 1920's Ayub Ali Master, and other set up bases in the form of the homes primarily, and then cafes to look after their countrymen arriving from their country and other areas of United Kingdom. This book records the legacies they left behind and new ones created by the present generations in the East End of London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

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